Vicomtech exhibits at the Ensanche Building in Bilbao the keys to AI technologies applied to Digital Health and Personalized Medicine


The day dedicated to Artificial Intelligence applied to Digital Health and Personalized Medicine was successfully concluded, during which it was possible to show the realities and prospection to help identify opportunities for the application of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Digital Health and Personalized Medicine both to Companies and to Health Institutions and Administrations.

Jorge Posada, Deputy Director of the Center, reaffirmed not only the technological commitment of Vicomtech and the capacity of its researchers in this field, but also highlighted the ownership of the tangible Intellectual Property of Vicomtech in terms of technological assets, on which solutions and applications are projected within society; in this case, that of Digital Health.  Agustín Zubilaga, Director of the Bilbao Headquarters, stressed Vicomtech’s commitment to Bilbao to contribute to the economic and social development of Bizkaia and the Basque Country as a whole, with the aim of continuing to grow in the technology and innovation field already existing in the region. Oihana Eizmendi, Coordinator of Strategic Sectors of Bilbao Ekintza, made the institutional opening of the event, followed by María Pascual de Zulueta, Director of the Basque Health Cluster, who based her intervention on the Biosciences and Health sector in the Basque Country. On the other hand, Ivan Macía, Director of Digital Health and Biomedical Technologies at Vicomtech, presented, among other things, the activities carried out in the Department and the keys to understanding the types of AI applied in Health, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

In addition, during the rest of the event it was possible to count on a wide network of experts in this area, who presented their experiences in the field of Digital Health and Personalized Medicine, both in individual presentations and in the round tables, creating a space for dialogue and reflection that contributed to a global and specific vision of the different points that make up the topics discussed. The panel discussions were held by Nekane Larburu, Senior Researcher in Digital Health at Vicomtech; Naiara Muro, Project Manager at Healthcare Transformation Roche Diagnostics; Alberto Rezola, Partner and Director of Strategy of Datu (a); Jorge Burgos, Coordinator of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Research Group. IIS Biocruces Bizkaia;  Alba Garin-Muga, Senior Researcher in Personalized Medicine at Vicomtech; Juan Gumuzio, COO at Fastbase Solutions; Leire Mendizabal, Technical Director at Patia Europe, and María Vivanco, Research Director on Cancer Heterogeneity at CIC Biogune.

At the end of the event, there was the opportunity to share the different opinions among all attendees in a round of questions, as well as having a coffee break and a lunch, where the guests had the opportunity to chat and share their ideas and reflections. The event was very successful, showing and emphasizing once again that AI applied in the field of Personalized Medicine and Digital Health is an area full of possibilities and methods of application that will undoubtedly be more and more present.


Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gipuzkoa,
Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (Spain)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbao (Spain)

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