Erratum to: Role of cognitive and functional performance in the interactions between elderly people with cognitive decline and an avatar on TV

Egileak: Unai Diaz-Orueta, Aitziber Etxaniz, MariFeli Gonzalez, Cristina Buiza, Elena Urdaneta, Javier Yanguas, Eduardo Carrasco, Gorka Epelde

Data: 27.03.2014

Universal Access in the Information Society



This erratum is published following a request signed by Javier Yanguas, Cristina Buiza, Mari Feli Gonzalez, Aitziber Etxaniz, Eduardo Carrasco and Gorka Epelde (as co-authors), as well as Javier Yanguas (as Scientific Director of INGEMA) and Jorge Posada (as Scientific Director of Vicomtech). Ingema and Vicomtech as Institutions, as well as the signing researchers who confirm that Vicomtech researchers Eduardo Carrasco and Gorka Epelde should appear as co-authors of the original published article. The article describes and analyzes results from collaborative research work of the two centers.


@Article {
author = {Unai Diaz-Orueta, Aitziber Etxaniz, MariFeli Gonzalez, Cristina Buiza, Elena Urdaneta, Javier Yanguas, Eduardo Carrasco, Gorka Epelde},
title = {Erratum to: Role of cognitive and functional performance in the interactions between elderly people with cognitive decline and an avatar on TV},
journal = {Universal Access in the Information Society},
pages = {99-99},
number = {1},
volume = {13},
keywds = {

Intuitive interaction,  Neuropsychological, assessment,  Cognitive impairment,  Usability , Avatars

abstract = {

This erratum is published following a request signed by Javier Yanguas, Cristina Buiza, Mari Feli Gonzalez, Aitziber Etxaniz, Eduardo Carrasco and Gorka Epelde (as co-authors), as well as Javier Yanguas (as Scientific Director of INGEMA) and Jorge Posada (as Scientific Director of Vicomtech). Ingema and Vicomtech as Institutions, as well as the signing researchers who confirm that Vicomtech researchers Eduardo Carrasco and Gorka Epelde should appear as co-authors of the original published article. The article describes and analyzes results from collaborative research work of the two centers.

isi = {1},
date = {2014-03-27},
year = {2014},

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