Fighting Volume Crime: an Intelligent, Scalable, and Low Cost Approach

Egileak: Ion Alberdi Bartolomé Naiara Aginako Bengoa Georgios Kioumourtzis George Leventakis Georgios Stavropoulos Dimitrios Tzovaras Nikolaos Zotos Anargyros Sideris Elisavet Charalambous Nikolaos Koutras

Data: 01.09.2015

Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association


Volume Crimes (aka petty crimes) take place on a daily basis affecting citizens, local communities, as well as business and infrastructure owners. In this paper, we present a novel intelligent surveillance solution (P-REACT) that integrates video and audio analytics both on-site (using an embedded platform connected to local sensors) and centrally on a cloud service. This intelligent surveillance system has been conceived and designed to anticipate volume crimes in areas where video surveillance is allowed by current legislation and more specifically in shops and public transportation systems; intended as a modular and low cost solution. The capability of dynamically adapting the analytic algorithms that are performed on-site provides a more accurate detection of crime evidences.


@Article {
title = {Fighting Volume Crime: an Intelligent, Scalable, and Low Cost Approach},
journal = {Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association},
pages = {1-8},
number = {3},
volume = {6},
keywds = {

volume crime, petty crime, surveillance systems

abstract = {

Volume Crimes (aka petty crimes) take place on a daily basis affecting citizens, local communities, as well as business and infrastructure owners. In this paper, we present a novel intelligent surveillance solution (P-REACT) that integrates video and audio analytics both on-site (using an embedded platform connected to local sensors) and centrally on a cloud service. This intelligent surveillance system has been conceived and designed to anticipate volume crimes in areas where video surveillance is allowed by current legislation and more specifically in shops and public transportation systems; intended as a modular and low cost solution. The capability of dynamically adapting the analytic algorithms that are performed on-site provides a more accurate detection of crime evidences.

date = {2015-09-01},
year = {2015},

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