Career development as a key driver for leading transition management
Autores: Iñaki Azua
Fecha: 19.06.2019
The article discusses how Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) in the Basque Country are adapting their career models to new market and institutional pressures. Based on an in-depth study of a 120-employee RTO, the authors determine how a transition engaging career development that offers a holistic framework is implemented and operates in practice. The approach explained in this article links context requirements to corporate strategies and researchers contributions to the assurance of their commitment and motivation in an RTO. The authors also examine how this implementation that forms an organizational culture affects the job satisfaction of R&D employees and conclude that the motivational power of successful Human Resources management can restore the balance in the organization. The results suggest a holistic career development system to improve the job satisfaction and RTO results.
title = {Career development as a key driver for leading transition management},
keywds = {
Change Management, Career Development, R&D Personnel, Research and Technology Organization (RTO), Knowledge-Intensive Firms (KIFs).
abstract = {
The article discusses how Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) in the Basque Country are adapting their career models to new market and institutional pressures. Based on an in-depth study of a 120-employee RTO, the authors determine how a transition engaging career development that offers a holistic framework is implemented and operates in practice. The approach explained in this article links context requirements to corporate strategies and researchers contributions to the assurance of their commitment and motivation in an RTO. The authors also examine how this implementation that forms an organizational culture affects the job satisfaction of R&D employees and conclude that the motivational power of successful Human Resources management can restore the balance in the organization. The results suggest a holistic career development system to improve the job satisfaction and RTO results.
isbn = {978-952-335-351-0},
date = {2019-06-19},