Designing an on-board driving scene monitoring sensory system for preventing terrorist attacks with road transport

Fecha: 22.10.2019


Road transport vehicles are being used as weapons in terrorist attacks across all the world. A driving  scene monitoring system installed in the vehicles could potentially mitigate this threat. This system  would process the information received from the on-board sensor to assess the risk of an attack and  take control if necessary. This paper presents the first steps towards such a system describing the  design of its sensor setup. We have based the design of the outside monitoring system on the  state-of-the-art driving assistance and autonomous driving technologies, even if the present application  does not strictly fall into any of these categories. During the design of the sensory system, we have  considered the distinctive features of our application and proposed some options that could be suitable  to fulfil the expected performance.


@Article {
title = {Designing an on-board driving scene monitoring sensory system for preventing terrorist attacks with road transport},
keywds = {
Road transport, Sensors, Security
abstract = {

Road transport vehicles are being used as weapons in terrorist attacks across all the world. A driving  scene monitoring system installed in the vehicles could potentially mitigate this threat. This system  would process the information received from the on-board sensor to assess the risk of an attack and  take control if necessary. This paper presents the first steps towards such a system describing the  design of its sensor setup. We have based the design of the outside monitoring system on the  state-of-the-art driving assistance and autonomous driving technologies, even if the present application  does not strictly fall into any of these categories. During the design of the sensory system, we have  considered the distinctive features of our application and proposed some options that could be suitable  to fulfil the expected performance.

date = {2019-10-22},

Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gipuzkoa,
Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (España)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbao (España)

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