Mobile Technology Consumption: Opportunities and Challenges

Autores: Mikel Zorrilla and María del Puy Carretero and Alejandro Ugarte and Juan Felipe Mogollón and David Oyarzun and Igor García

Fecha: 01.10.2011



The multiplatform consumption of multimedia content has become a crucial factor in the way of watching multimedia. Current technologies such as mobile devices have made people desire access to information from anywhere and at anytime. The sources of the multimedia content are also very important in that consumption. They present the content from many sources distributed on the cloud and mix it with automatically generated virtual reality into any platform. This chapter analyzes the technologies to consume the next generation multimedia and proposes a new architecture to generate and present the content. The goal is to offer it as a service so the users can live the experience in any platform, without requiring any special abilities from the clients. This makes the architecture a very interesting aspect for mobile devices that normally do not have big capabilities of rendering but can benefit of this architecture.


@Article {
author = {Mikel Zorrilla and María del Puy Carretero and Alejandro Ugarte and Juan Felipe Mogollón and David Oyarzun and Igor García},
title = {Mobile Technology Consumption: Opportunities and Challenges},
pages = {168-181},
keywds = {
Next generation multimedia, mobile devices, Multimedia as a Service, 3D content, natural interfaces, personalization, virtual/augmented reality,
abstract = {
The multiplatform consumption of multimedia content has become a crucial factor in the way of watching multimedia. Current technologies such as mobile devices have made people desire access to information from anywhere and at anytime. The sources of the multimedia content are also very important in that consumption. They present the content from many sources distributed on the cloud and mix it with automatically generated virtual reality into any platform. This chapter analyzes the technologies to consume the next generation multimedia and proposes a new architecture to generate and present the content. The goal is to offer it as a service so the users can live the experience in any platform, without requiring any special abilities from the clients. This makes the architecture a very interesting aspect for mobile devices that normally do not have big capabilities of rendering but can benefit of this architecture.
isbn = {978-1-61350-150-4},
date = {2011-10-01},
year = {2011},

Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gipuzkoa,
Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (España)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbao (España)

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