Home Estructura interna Igor García Olaizola Igor García Olaizola Director Tecnológico Dr. Ingeniero en Automática y Electrónica Industrial iolaizola@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas Tesis Doctoral 2012-10-01 Next Generation Multimedia on Mobile Devices Mikel Zorrilla and María del Puy Carretero and Alejandro Ugarte and Juan Felipe Mogollón and David Oyarzun and Igor García PDF 2012-09-16 Interactive 3D simulation tool for Energy Efficiency in Buildings Álvaro Segura and Sabine Delaitre and Igor García PDF 2012-07-11 Ontology Based Middleware for Ranking and Retrieving Information on Locations Adapted for People with Special Needs Kevin Alonso and Naiara Aginako and Javier Lozano and Igor García PDF 2012-06-27 End to end solution for interactive on demand 3D Media on home network devices Mikel Zorrilla, Ángel Martín, Juan Felipe Mogollón, Julen García, Igor García PDF 2012-04-17 Advanced HCI and 3D Web over Low Performance Devices David Oyarzun and Arantza del Pozo and John Edgar Congote and Igor García and Iñaki Sainz and Igor Leturia and Xabier Arregi and O. Ruiz PDF 2011-10-01 Mobile Technology Consumption: Opportunities and Challenges Mikel Zorrilla and María del Puy Carretero and Alejandro Ugarte and Juan Felipe Mogollón and David Oyarzun and Igor García PDF 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ‧‧‧ 13 12.12.2013 A Framework for Content Based Semantic Information Extraction from Multimedia Contents Igor García Olaizola