Home Estructura interna Jorge Posada Velásquez Jorge Posada Velásquez Director Científico e Institucional Dr. Ingeniero Mecánico jposada@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas Tesis Doctoral 2009-09-28 Domain Modeling Based on Engineering Standards Carlos Toro and Manuel Graña and Jorge Posada and Javier Vaquero and Edward Szczerbicki PDF 2009-06-24 User Experience, Ambient intelligence and Virtual Reality in an Industrial Maintenance domain using Protégé Carlos Toro and Javier Vaquero and Jorge Posada and Manuel Graña and Cesar Sanín and Edward Szczerbicki PDF 2008-10-16 Visual Processing Of Geographic And Environmental Information In The Basque Country: Two Case Studies Álvaro Segura and Aitor Moreno and Igor García and Naiara Aginako and Mikel Labayen and Jorge Posada and Jose Antonio Aranda and Rubén García De Andoin PDF 2008-06-20 An Architecture for Fast Semantic Retrieval in the Film Heritage Domain Yolanda Cobos and Carlos Toro and Cristina Sarasua and Javier Vaquero and María Teresa Linaza and Jorge Posada PDF 2008-06-18 Scenario editing tool to support learning and training in virtual reality simulators of construction machinery Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura and Jorge Posada PDF 2008-02-04 VDesktop: Event Management and Physically Based Behaviour in Tabletops Displays Aitor Moreno and Jan Heukamp and Jorge Posada and Alex García-Alonso PDF 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ‧‧‧ 18 09.12.2005 A Methodology for the Semantic Visualization of Industrial Plant CAD Models for Virtual Reality Walkthroughs Jorge Posada Velásquez