Home Estructura interna Jorge Posada Velásquez Jorge Posada Velásquez Director Científico e Institucional Dr. Ingeniero Mecánico jposada@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas Tesis Doctoral 2019-03-14 In-Line Dimensional Inspection of Warm-Die Forged Revolution Workpieces Using 3D Mesh Reconstruction Daniel Mejía Jairo R. Sánchez Tapia Oscar Ruiz Marcos Alonso Alberto Izaguirre Erik Gil Jorge Palomar Jorge Posada Velásquez Applied Sciences 2019-02-01 A General Meta-graph Strategy for Shape Evolution under Mechanical Stress Diego Alejandro Montoya Zapata Diego A. Acosta Oscar Ruiz Jorge Posada Velásquez David Sánchez Journal Cybernetics and Systems 2018-10-24 Fast Analytic Simulation for Multi-Laser Heating of Sheet Metal in GPU Daniel Mejía Diego Montoya Ander Arbelaiz Aranzasti Aitor Moreno Guerrero Jorge Posada Velásquez Oscar Ruiz Materials (Machining—Recent Advances, Applications and Challenges) 2018-10-15 X-Reality System Architecture for Industry 4.0 Processes Bruno Simoes Raffaele De Amicis Iñigo Barandiaran Martirena Jorge Posada Velásquez Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 2018-10-01 Graphics and Media Technologies for Operators in Industry 4.0 Jorge Posada Velásquez Mikel Zorrilla Berasategui Ana Domínguez Fanlo Bruno Simoes Peter Eisert Didier Stricker Jason Rambach Jürgen Döllner Miguel Guevara IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 2018-06-01 Hybrid geometry / topology based mesh segmentation for reverse engineering Daniel Mejía Oscar Ruiz Jairo R. Sánchez Tapia Jorge Posada Velásquez Aitor Moreno Guerrero Carlos A. Cadavid Computers & Graphics UK 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ‧‧‧ 18 09.12.2005 A Methodology for the Semantic Visualization of Industrial Plant CAD Models for Virtual Reality Walkthroughs Jorge Posada Velásquez