Home Estructura interna Jorge Posada Velásquez Jorge Posada Velásquez Director Científico e Institucional Dr. Ingeniero Mecánico jposada@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas Tesis Doctoral 2011-06-20 Interactive visualization of volumetric data with WebGL in real-time John Edgar Congote and Luis Kabongo and Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura and Jorge Posada and O. Ruiz PDF 2011-03-28 Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extinguishment Support Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura and Anis Korchi and Jorge Posada and Oihana Otaegui PDF 2010-11-03 Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extinguishment Support Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura and Anis Korchi and Jorge Posada and Oihana Otaegui PDF 2010-05-17 Marching Cubes in an Unsigned Distance Field for Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Point Sets John Edgar Congote and Aitor Moreno and Iñigo Barandiaran and Javier Barandiaran and Jorge Posada and O. Ruiz PDF 2009-10-14 GeoSpatial Visual Analytics Álvaro Segura and Aitor Moreno and Igor García and Naiara Aginako and Mikel Labayen and Jorge Posada and Jose Antonio Aranda and Rubén García De Andoin PDF 2009-10-01 Intelligent Systems for knowledge management Carlos Toro and Manuel Graña and Jorge Posada and Cesar Sanín and Edward Szczerbicki PDF 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ‧‧‧ 18 09.12.2005 A Methodology for the Semantic Visualization of Industrial Plant CAD Models for Virtual Reality Walkthroughs Jorge Posada Velásquez