Advanced HCI and 3D Web over Low Performance Devices

Egileak: David Oyarzun and Arantza del Pozo and John Edgar Congote and Igor García and Iñaki Sainz and Igor Leturia and Xabier Arregi and O. Ruiz

Data: 17.04.2012



This position paper presents the authors’ goals on advanced human computer interaction and 3D Web. Previous work on speech, natural language processing and visual technologies has achieved the development of the BerbaTek language learning demonstrator, a 3D virtual tutor that supports Basque language students through spoken interaction. Next steps consist on migrating all the system to multidevice web technologies. This paper shows the architecture defined and the steps to be performed in the next months.


@Article {
author = {David Oyarzun and Arantza del Pozo and John Edgar Congote and Igor García and Iñaki Sainz and Igor Leturia and Xabier Arregi and O. Ruiz},
title = {Advanced HCI and 3D Web over Low Performance Devices},
volume = {869},
keywds = {

Advanced HCI, Virtual Characters, WebGL, Speech, Natural Language

abstract = {

This position paper presents the authors’ goals on advanced human computer interaction and 3D Web. Previous work on speech, natural language processing and visual technologies has achieved the development of the BerbaTek language learning demonstrator, a 3D virtual tutor that supports Basque language students through spoken interaction. Next steps consist on migrating all the system to multidevice web technologies. This paper shows the architecture defined and the steps to be performed in the next months.

isi = {1},
date = {2012-04-17},
year = {2012},

Gipuzkoako Zientzia eta Teknologia Parkea,
Mikeletegi Pasealekua 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (Espainia)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbo (Espainia)

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