CAPER: Collaborative information, Acquisition, Processing, Exploitation and Reporting for the prevention of organised crime
Egileak: Carlo Aliprandi, Juan Arraiza Irujo, Montse Cuadros, Sebastian Maier, Felipe Melero, Matteo Raffaelli
Data: 23.06.2014
Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) are increasingly more reliant on information and communication technologies and affected by a society shaped by the Internet and Social Media. The richness and quantity of information available from open sources, if properly gathered and processed, can provide valuable intelligence and help drawing inference from existing closed source
intelligence. This paper presents CAPER, a state-of-the-art platform for the prevention of organised crime, created in cooperation with European LEAs. CAPER supports information sharing and multi-modal analysis of open and closed information sources, mainly based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Visual Analytics (VA) technologies.
author = {Carlo Aliprandi, Juan Arraiza Irujo, Montse Cuadros, Sebastian Maier, Felipe Melero, Matteo Raffaelli},
title = {CAPER: Collaborative information, Acquisition, Processing, Exploitation and Reporting for the prevention of organised crime},
pages = {147-152},
volume = {434},
keywds = {
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Focused Crawling, Social Web, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Named-Entity Recognition (NER), Semantics, Visual Analytics (VA)
abstract = {
Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) are increasingly more reliant on information and communication technologies and affected by a society shaped by the Internet and Social Media. The richness and quantity of information available from open sources, if properly gathered and processed, can provide valuable intelligence and help drawing inference from existing closed source
intelligence. This paper presents CAPER, a state-of-the-art platform for the prevention of organised crime, created in cooperation with European LEAs. CAPER supports information sharing and multi-modal analysis of open and closed information sources, mainly based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Visual Analytics (VA) technologies.
isi = {1},
date = {2014-06-23},
year = {2014},