Home Barne-egitura Aitor Moreno Guerrero Aitor Moreno Guerrero Senior Ikertzailea Dr. Informatikan Ingeniaria amoreno@vicomtech.org Lotutako argitalpenak Doktorego Tesia 2011-06-20 Interactive visualization of volumetric data with WebGL in real-time John Edgar Congote and Luis Kabongo and Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura and Jorge Posada and O. Ruiz PDF 2011-03-28 Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extinguishment Support Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura and Anis Korchi and Jorge Posada and Oihana Otaegui PDF 2010-11-03 Interactive Urban and Forest Fire Simulation with Extinguishment Support Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura and Anis Korchi and Jorge Posada and Oihana Otaegui PDF 2010-06-25 Interactive and Stereoscopic Hybrid 3D Viewer of Radar Data with Gesture Recognition Jon Goenetxea and Aitor Moreno and Luis Unzueta and Andoni Galdos and Álvaro Segura PDF 2010-05-17 Marching Cubes in an Unsigned Distance Field for Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Point Sets John Edgar Congote and Aitor Moreno and Iñigo Barandiaran and Javier Barandiaran and Jorge Posada and O. Ruiz PDF 2010-05-17 Real Time Forest Fire Simulation With Extinguishment Support Anis Korchi and Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura PDF 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ‧‧‧ 14 15.03.2013 Propagación y Extinción de Incendios Forestales y Urbanos para Entornos de Entrenamiento Virtuales Aitor Moreno Guerrero