Home Barne-egitura Javier Barandiaran Martirena Javier Barandiaran Martirena Senior Ikertzailea Dr. Informatika Ingeniaritzan jbarandiaran@vicomtech.org Lotutako argitalpenak Doktorego Tesia 2011-03-05 Face Reconstruction with Structured Light John Edgar Congote and Iñigo Barandiaran and Javier Barandiaran and Marcos Nieto and O. Ruiz PDF 2011-03-05 Real-time 3D modeling of vehicles in low-cost monocamera systems Marcos Nieto and Luis Unzueta and Andoni Cortés and Javier Barandiaran and Oihana Otaegui and Pedro Sánchez PDF 2010-09-15 Sistema Integrado de Videoconferencia 3D en Tiempo Real John Edgar Congote and Iñigo Barandiaran and Javier Barandiaran and Olga Mur and Pere J. Mindan and Genís Aguilar and Francesc Tarrés and Tomas Montserrat and Julien Quelen and Christian Ferrán and O. Ruiz PDF 2010-06-07 Real-time depth map generation architecture for 3D videoconferencing John Edgar Congote and Iñigo Barandiaran and Javier Barandiaran and Tomas Montserrat and Julien Quelen and Christian Ferrán and Pere J. Mindan and Olga Mur and Francesc Tarrés and O. Ruiz PDF 2010-05-17 Marching Cubes in an Unsigned Distance Field for Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Point Sets John Edgar Congote and Aitor Moreno and Iñigo Barandiaran and Javier Barandiaran and Jorge Posada and O. Ruiz PDF 2010-04-01 Building a Low-Cost Device for an Automatic Inspection of Blow-Molded Plastic Tubes Luis Unzueta and Javier Barandiaran and Álvaro Segura International Journal for Knowledge, Science and Technology PDF 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 12.03.2021 Visual computing techniques for automated LIDAR annotation with application to intelligent transport systems Javier Barandiaran Martirena