A European Union representative tries the driverless vehicle Taxisat developed by Vicomtech-IK4

The head of EU satellite navigation and industry programme and the head of European GNSS Agency (GSA) have tried the first driverless vehicle guided by computer vision systems by Vicomtech-IK4 for the Taxisat project under FPVII. The demonstration has taken place in the European Space Solutions event in Munich from 5th to 7th November. This major 3-day conference will bring together private companies and the public sector with users and developers of space-based solutions.
Dr. Oihana Otaegui, Head of Intelligent Transport Systems and Engineering Department in Vicomtech-IK4 will present: “Low cost GNSS and computer vision based data fusion solution for driverless vehicles” in the session “Space Solutions for Road & Traffic Management”
The Taxisat vehicle is the first cost-effective robotic driverless vehicle of its kind: a car that can move automatically thanks to computer vision technology integrated with GNSS and COTS sensors, providing positioning and obstacles information in order to get around with total security.
Vicomtech-IK4 is in charge of the visual sensors that provide the algorithms that allows the vehicle take constant decisions in order to move with safety. Those algorithms allow determining itsown position and the obstacles ahead in its path. The vehicle uses this information to correct its own motion, while respecting other vehicles and pedestrian. The technology objective is the contribution of visual systems developed by Vicomtech-IK4 to existing robotic systems that use other types of sensor such as GPS, accelerometers, etc.
In addition, it will reduce the pollution in the cities since it is an electric vehicle; it will help with parking problems acting as shuttle between public transport and users’ destinations in the last mile; and in will help reducing the number of vehicles in metropolitan areas where it is not profitable to maintain a public line.
Project video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FYYvXMku0I
Project website: www.taxisat.net