Manufacturing and Process Industry
We transform the new digitisation process technologies into operative realities at industrial plants and in the capital assets manufactured by our clients.
We have proprietary technology allowing us to realise products and solutions adapted to the needs and challenges of our clients, facilitating integration and the deployment of solutions.
To do so, we work with both the productive sector and with a wide range of engineering and technological companies.
Success story
We can also help your business.

Sectorial Collaborations
Strengthens the competitiveness of SMEs in Nouvelle Aquitaine / Euskadi / Navarra through cross-border collaboration and the involvement of clusters, technology centers and economic development agencies in the Euroregion.
Basque Artificial Intelligence Center
The Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre was created to tackle one of the greatest technological and social challenges in our history with a public-private collaboration space for the promotion of AI in the Basque Country.

GAIA-X: A Federated Data Infrastructure for Europe
Representatives from business, science and politics of Europe create a proposal for the next generation of a European data infrastructure: a secure, federated system that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty while promoting innovation

The SFKL technology initiative was established as a non-profit organization in 2005, bringing together for the first time industrial and research partners in a network to implement joint Industry 4.0 projects for the factories of the future.&

Basque Automotive Cluster
Organización que tiene como misión dinamizar el sector vasco de automoción, posibilitando la cooperación entre las empresas vascas para poder dar una respuesta conjunta a los grandes retos que el sector presenta. Considerado primer cluster europeo

The Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers has the aim of acting as a spokesperson for the sector, a leading contact and meeting and networking point for all types of member countries.

Spanish Railway Association. Carries out activities and provides services aimed at promoting greater importance for the companies in the sector

LT-Innovate is the Language Technology Industry Association. Language Technology makes the world intelligent, multilingual and interactive.

The Association of Electronic Technologies and Information Industries of the Basque Country, comprising more than 200 companies offering products and services in the fields of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.

We are part of the managing assembly of the R&D&i unit of AMETIC, the Association of Electronic, Information technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content Businesses, with more than 5,000 member companies.
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Machine Tools, Accessories, Components and Tools, represents 90% of the existing Machine Tool and advanced manufacture technology companies in Spain.
Looking for support for your next project? Contact us, we are looking forward to helping you.