SiElegans FP7 project

The consortium members of the SiElegans project are meeting in San Sebastian, at Vicomtech-IK4´s headquarters. From November 27th to November 28th Vicomtech-IK4 will held at its offices the meeting of the SiElegans project with partners from Italian Institute of Technology, the National University of Ireland Galway, the University of Ulster and Vicomtech-IK4.
SiElegans will become a neuromimetic computational platform for the reverse-engineering of nervous system function as a blueprint for brain-inspired computational architectures.
SiElegans aims at developing a modular, arbitrarily programmable and reconfigurable parallel computing framework that mimics the C. elegans nervous system with a high degree of fidelity. Complex and realistic behaviour is expected to emerge through its interaction with a rich and dynamic virtual environment. The resulting computational platform will be provided to the scientific community through an open-access web portal for its peer-validation and use.
This ambitious European project has been approved in the Future Emerging Technology (FET) framework (FP7-ICT-2011-9).
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