Vicomtech-IK4 organises the Virtual Concept International Workshop about Industry 4.0

The Virtual Concept International Workshop about Industry 4.0 has taken place on 26th and 27th of November in the headquarters of Vicomtech-IK4, bringing together prestigious researchers who presented scientific articles related to Computer Graphics and Visual Computing technologies applied to new solutions for the industry.
This workshop was focused on the implementations of simulations, manufacturing technologies and interactive approaches to Industry 4.0 and has showed that the capacities offered by the new developments in Data Processing and Cloud Computing are leading to new factories, reducing the gap between Information Technologies and Manufacturing. It should be noted that the most recent developments in Product Engineering and Interactive Design will have a decisive role in the industry of the future, since the generated information and knowledge must be deployed and presented in an easy and visual way.
Among the mentioned contributions, Visual Computing technologies are highlighted, especially in the areas of Interactive Visualisation and Computational Geometry, related to engineering disciplines such as the Product Design, Manufacturing Optimisation, Servitation and other important trends.
Researchers from Spain, Colombia, France and Italy have taken part in this workshop and it has been a forum for discussion and information exchange with the aim of advancing towards the development of these cutting edge technologies.