inLane: Next generation navigation fusing EGNSS and Computer Vision

From the 3rd to the 5th of February the inLane project’s kick off meeting took place at the European GNSS Agency’s offices (GSA) in Prague. The Project Officer from the European Commission (Alberto Fernández-Wyttenbach) chaired some of the sessions with the members of the Consortium. inLane brings together leading international firms and institutions: ERTICO, Honda Research Institute Europe, INTEL, Teleconsult Austria, TomTom International, Technical University of Eindhoven, ACASA (RACC), IFSTTAR, IMI (Barcelona City Council) and Vicomtech-IK4, as the project coordinator.
The objective of inLane is to develop a new generation, low-cost, lane-level, precise turn-by-turn navigation application through the fusion of EGNSS and Computer Vision technology. This will enable enhanced mapping information with real-time updating based on crowdsourcing techniques. The resulting lane-level vehicle positioning will bring navigation to a new level of detail and effectiveness.
This research and innovation project led by Vicomtech-IK4 started in January 2016 and has a duration of 30 months. inLane has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 687458.