Vicomtech-IK4 participates at the “NDT Technologies: State-of-the-art and short-term prospects” workshop

IK4 Research Alliance is organizing next May 30th a workshop entitled “NDT Technologies. State-of-the-ard and short-term prospects” at the headquarters of CDTI in Madrid. This is driven by more and more demanding industrial requirements in terms of personalization of manufactured products, quality and traceability of the same, and reduction of manufacturing costs and terms.
Vicomtech-IK4 will be represented by Dr. Jairo Roberto Sánchez, senior researcher at the Industry and Advanced Manufacturing department, with a presentation entitled “High speed reconstruction and 3D analysis methods for dimensional inspection in manufacturing environments” at 12:40 pm.
This presentation will deal with contactless superficial inspection and dimensional control mechanisms through the application of 3D reconstruction techniques based on artificial vision that are getting big interest from the industry due to the advantages they give reporting other methods, such as flexibility, processing speed or exhaustive analysis.
Free workshop, further information and registration.