Artificial Intelligence in Industry. Real Cases and Trends. 9th October, San Sebastian

The recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence are motivating the radical transformation in several sectors, especially in the Industry and Advanced Manufacturing, it is an essential enabling technology in the Industry 4.0 paradigm.
Objective of the Workshop
This Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Industry organised by Vicomtech, will be focused on case studies and future trends. We will have the opportunity of learning the international vision of two renowned international invited speakers, as well as real use cases on how the Artificial Intelligence can help resolving problems in the industrial fields such as Advanced Manufacturing, Intelligent Transport and Industrial processes.
Addressed to...
Mainly to Managers, Intermediate Managers, Technical and Innovation Directors of manufacturing industrial companies and ICT suppliers of any industrial field
When and where?
On Tuesday 9th October, from 9:00 to 14:00 in the Principal Building of the San Sebastian Technology Park
Mikeletegi 53, 20009 San Sebastian
08:30–9:10 Registration
09:10–09:15 Welcome. Prof. Dr. Julián Flórez, General Director of Vicomtech
09:15–09:25 Opening. Dr. Estíbaliz Hernáez, Deputy Minister for Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness Department, Basque Government
09:25–09:35 Artificial Intelligence: Principal concepts and trends. Dr. Jorge Posada, Technical Director, Vicomtech.
09:35–10:15 Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Vision in Industry. Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker, Head of Augmented Vision Department, DFKI - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.
10:15–11:00 Artificial Intelligence in Advanced Manufacturing. Concepts and Real Cases.
Dr. Iñigo Barandiaran, Director of Industry and Advance Manufacturing, Vicomtech.
Dr. Arantza del Pozo, Director of Speech and Natural Language Technologies, Vicomtech.
11:00–11:20 Coffee & Networking
11:20–12:00: Artificial Intelligence - Industrial Data Analytics. Magdalena Kacmajor, Senior Applied Researcher at IBM Ireland Innovation Exchange
12:00–12:45: Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transport, Mobility and Data Analytics
Dr. Oihana Otaegui, Intelligent Transport Systems and Engineering Director, Vicomtech.
Dr. Igor García Olaizola, Director of Data Intelligence for Energy and Industrial Processes
12:45–13:10 Future Challenges. Round Table with speakers and interaction with the public.
13:10–14:00: Lunch
* Simultaneous translation service will be provided
Free Registration
This Workshop is free and has limited places
The online registration has been closed. Please, contact us at 943309230.
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