Vicomtech participated in the fifth SmartClusters exchange program in Leipzig, Germany
The event, which took place from 8 to 10 June, aims to bring together companies working or interested in the topic of Smart Cities and aims to encourage the creation of exchange networks between European cities and companies.

The fifth SmartCTClusters exchange programme in Germany took place in Leipzig on 8th, 9th and 10th June. The Ministry of Regional Development of the State of Saxony (SMR) organised an international forum on smart cities, at which attendees also had the opportunity to make a several visits to companies and scientific institutions in the city of Leipizig. Also, with a view to achieving energy-efficient public transport, throughout the event attendees were able to discuss possible strategies and participate in a workshop with the European Union’s EfficienCE project.
The visits to SpinLab-The HHL Accelerator, an organisation whose main mission is to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in central Germany, providing practical guidance to startups and spin-offs, was highlighted. On the other hand, the visit to the Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH, the transport services of the city of Leipzig; the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), a centre dedicated to the study of human-environment interactions in cultivated and damaged landscapes; and lastly, the visit to the living lab of ScaDS.AI, one of the five national competence centres for research and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
They were really enriching days, specially characterized by the exchange of different experiences and European perspectives, in which various debates focused on the future of smart cities and urban life, as well as on the future of rural life were set and discussed.