Handbook of Research on Communities of Practice for Organizational Management and Networking: Methodoligies for Competitive Advantage
author = {David Oyarzun and Amalia Ortiz and María del Puy Carretero},
title = {Handbook of Research on Communities of Practice for Organizational Management and Networking: Methodoligies for Competitive Advantage},
pages = {283-295},
abstract = {
The goal of this chapter is to encourage an open discussion about current and future technological support for knowledge sharing and learning. This support can be especially beneficial for communities of practice, where technology can bring increasingly geographically distant companies and knowledge closer together. The chapter introduces new technologies based on emergent Web3D and which can improve current ways of sharing knowledge and providing eLearning support. These are 3D virtual worlds as knowledge sharing tools and the concept of serious games as a way for improving learning processes. An application that combines both technologies would unite the main features of constructivist learning theories, and therefore, be a useful tool for supporting communities of practices’ learning and knowledge flow in a very dynamic way. This chapter also suggests what ideal tools for knowledge sharing and learning on Future Internet could be like, the advantages that their use could provide and the factors the authors believe should be improved to turn this ideal tool into a reality.
isbn = {978-1-60566-802-4},
date = {2011-04-01},
year = {2011},