Home Internal Structure Thierry Etchegoyhen Thierry Etchegoyhen Principal Researcher Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics tetchegoyhen@vicomtech.org Related Publications 2022-09-21 iASSIST: Low-cost, portable and embedded assistants foron-premise automated transcription and translationservices Aitor Álvarez Muniain Victor Ruiz Gómez Iván Gonzalez Torre Thierry Etchegoyhen Harritxu Gete Ugarte Joaquin Arellano Goicoechea 2022-06-21 TANDO: A Corpus for Document-level Machine Translation Harritxu Gete Ugarte Thierry Etchegoyhen Antonio David Ponce Martínez Gorka Labaka Nora Aranberri Ander Corral Xabier Saralegi Igor Ellakuria Maite Martín 2022-02-06 Making the most of comparable corpora in Neural Machine Translation: a case study Harritxu Gete Ugarte Thierry Etchegoyhen Language Resources and Evaluation 2022-02-01 Cascade or Direct Speech Translation? A Case Study Thierry Etchegoyhen Haritz Arzelus Irazusta Harritxu Gete Ugarte Aitor Álvarez Muniain Iván González Torre Juan Manuel Martín Doñas Ander González Docasal Edson Benites Applied Sciences 2021-11-23 Online Learning over Time in Adaptive Neural Machine Translation Thierry Etchegoyhen Antonio David Ponce Martínez Harritxu Gete Ugarte Victor Ruiz Gómez 2021-10-04 ITAI: Adaptive Neural Machine Translation Platform Thierry Etchegoyhen Antonio David Ponce Martínez Harritxu Gete Ugarte Victor Ruiz Gómez 1 2 3 4 5 6 ‧‧‧ 6