Vicomtech-IK4 presents the results of the Si Elegans European Project in the European Worm Meeting Conference held in Berlin

The EWM is a specific conference about last advances in neurobiology and genetics of the Caenorhabditis Elegans (C elegans). This worm is very often used in biological and neuroscientific studies, because it shares 40% of its genome with the human being and due to its relative simplicity of the organism in comparison with other animals.
Dr. Peter Leskovsky (Vicomtech-IK4) made a presentation about the advances in the FP7 Si elegans project to mimic and experience with the virtual C. elegans, as an alternative or as a previous step to live-experiments.
His presentation was focused on the capacities of the Si elegans platform as regards the definition of the behaviour experiments, definition of the neural system and neuronal models. Moreover, he highlighted the result analysis obtained at behaviour level (i.e. locomotion), neuronal activity and the evolution of parameters of neuronal models in computational neurology.