Vicomtech-IK4 participates at the Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress in Montréal, Canada

Like in past editions, Vicomtech-IK4 participated this year too at the ITS World Congress held in Montréal, Canada, from 29th October to 2nd November.
Dr. Oihana Otaegui, Head of ITS and Engineering department, participated in the Advisory Board session of the European VI-DAS project, and as speaker on session “Benefit of IoT and BigData for Automated Driving and User Trust Challenge”.
The centre also exposed developments carried out within InLane and Cloud-LSVA European projects at ERTICO’s stand.
The aim of InLane is to develop a new generation of low-cost navigation apps, and to provide with precise step-by-step information, through the fusion of satellite navigation and artificial vision technology.
Cloud-LSVA focuses in the creation of Big Data technologies to solve the problem of the lack of software tools and hardware platforms for the annotation of video datasets on a petabyte scale, centred on the automation industry.
ITS World Congress meets every year all the world leaders on intelligent transportation to show and evaluate latest innovative concepts, active prototypes, and in vivo systems. Next year, ITS will be held in Copenhagen (Denmark) from 17th to 21st September 2018.