Vicomtech offers a technology dissemination session on Artificial Intelligence applications to students of the Deusto Faculty of Engineering
The session consisted of a series of theoretical presentations on AI, supported by practical application cases in different sectors, which were given by members of the Center's Management and Research teams.

On September 15, Vicomtech organized at its headquarters in Bilbao, located in the Ensanche Building, a technological dissemination session on artificial intelligence applications aimed at thirty students of the Master's Degree in Computation and Intelligent Systems (MUCSI) and the bachelor's degree Computer Engineering from the University of Deusto. The impact of AI in the coming years is expected to improve the competitiveness of companies and be a source of employability among technology professionals.
The session consisted of a series of theoretical presentations supported by practical application cases in different sectors, which were given by members of the Center's Management and Research teams.
After a brief introduction by Dr. Agustín Zubillaga, Director of Vicomtech's Bilbao Headquarters, Dr. Jorge Posada, Deputy Director of the Center, made a presentation on the synergies between Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Next, Dr. Igor García Olaizola, Director of the Industry Division, presented some practical application cases and lessons learned in AI for Industry, emphasizing, among other aspects, the importance of data quality when it comes to train and implement Artificial Intelligence models.
After a brief pause, Dr. Arantza del Pozo, Director of Speech and Natural Language Technologies at Vicomtech, delved into the importance of personalization and domain adaptation in the application of language technologies and showed some examples of projects carried out at the center in collaboration with companies and administrations. Finally, it was the turn of the representatives of the Transportation and Security Division, coordinated by Dr. Marcos Nieto, Director of Connected, Cooperative and Autonomous Systems. The team offered interesting presentations related to cutting-edge AI-based technologies applied in these sectors. Dr. Luis Unzueta, Researcher of Intelligent Video Analytics for Security shared examples of optimal deployment of AI methods in intelligent video analytics systems for security, Nerea Aranjuelo, Researcher of Connected, Cooperative and Autonomous Systems, shared her knowledge in Deep Learning and Simulation of data and Dr. Harbil Arregui, Researcher of Intelligent Systems for mobility and logistics, explained what the current challenges are and the solutions offered based on AI for mobility and logistics.
This conference was held within the framework of Vicomtech Cooperation with Bilbao Ekintza, as part of the objective of deploying the Center's activity in the region and disseminating its knowledge, as well as the actions that the Master in Computing and Intelligent Systems is developing with scientific-technological agents of the area. Since the opening of the new Vicomtech headquarters in Bilbao, an ambitious program of scientific-technological dissemination sessions has been carried out aimed at companies, professionals and students, and society, which contributes to raising awareness of innovation opportunities and progress offered by the technologies developed in the center. Vicomtech has more than twenty years of expertise in this area, in which it has been collaborating closely with companies, especially SMEs, in improving their processes and products, allowing high levels of innovation to advance their competitiveness.