Students aged between 13 and 16 from the Academia Algorithmics Donostia take up Vicomtech's challenge and develop applications and programming solutions in Python.
The students had the opportunity to present their projects to the Vicomtech team and show their programming solutions developed in Python.

Algorithmics Academy Donostia, leader in education and extracurriculars in programming and digital skills for children and teenagers, is proud to announce the success of its students in the II "Smart Mobility" challenge organised by Vicomtech, with students between only 13-16 years old who have demonstrated extraordinary knowledge and professionalism for their age.
Programming is one of the main tools used by researchers at Vicomtech, a centre specialising in artificial intelligence, visual computing and interaction, when researching and implementing the technologies they develop.
In this context, initiatives such as the one presented by Algorithmics Donostia fit in perfectly with the centre's social mission, as they contribute to broadening the vision of new generations about the potential they can develop in this field, helping them to make choices about their professional future.
Oihana Otaegui, Director of Vicomtech's Transport and Security Division highlights that "the creativity and professional approach with which these young people have tackled complex challenges is truly impressive, highlighting their ability to innovate and solve problems with a brilliant perspective for the knowledge they have. Indeed, their ability to seek and find creative solutions at every stage of the process is a testament to the talent and potential they possess".
As an integral part of this initiative, it is a pleasure to be part of this collaboration and to contribute to the development of technological talent in Donostia.
The students of the Algorithmics Python Pro advanced course had the opportunity to present their projects and solutions to the challenge set by Vicomtech in January 2024, in the field of "Smart Mobility" and autonomous cars.
Vicomtech introduced our students to some of the activities and projects they are working on, challenging them to find solutions and develop programmes to address these challenges. During this period, our students have worked in groups, proposing various solutions and analysing which ones they could tackle. They have then focused on a specific project and worked in teams to find solutions and develop the corresponding programming in Python.
As a reward, the students had the opportunity to present their findings and learning to Vicomtech's management team. In addition, they were given the opportunity to visit in situ the projects Vicomtech is currently working on in various divisions, allowing them to appreciate the potential of what they are learning at Algorithmics.
"It is essential that our students and their parents are aware of the broad opportunities and fields in which they can apply the concepts and foundations they are acquiring at Algorithmics. With us, they acquire a solid foundation in algorithmic thinking and programming skills with Python, fundamental skills for any activity they undertake in the future, given that programming is part of everyday life in any field. In addition, by learning programming, they develop logical and analytical thinking skills to solve problems. It is also important that they can see how everything they learn is not limited to academia, but that they are already able to understand technology and programming, and to speak the same "language" as Vicomtech professionals when they explain the challenges they face. They have applied their knowledge and tried to find solutions, gaining a valuable perspective along the way," says Ivan Aramayo, head of Algorithmics Donostia.