System for close monitoring of the overall condition of older persons in order to detect and intervene at an early stage


Aim of the project

The ORKESTA project is an Industrial Research project that focuses on conducting first-rate research on the key technological components to be able to massively deploy in our society a new proactive model of long-term integrated care for the elderly in their home, which guarantees the sustainability of socio-health care and the continuous improvement of the quality of life of the elderly over the coming decades. This project led by ALCAD brings together the strategic interests of each and every one of the companies that make up the consortium.

In contrast to the reactive model in use today, ORKESTA's proactive model seeks to closely monitor the comprehensive status of the elderly person in order to detect and intervene early, and thus prevent serious deterioration that is associated with costly interventions such as hospitalizations or admissions to residences. In an outstanding way, ORKESTA puts the elderly person at the center and solves the orchestration of all the agents that participate in care, integrating both the health field, the socio-health field and general services (hygiene, food, laundry, shopping, etc. .), facilitating both face-to-face intervention at home, as well as remote attention or automated attention. All this thanks to the development of solutions based on cutting-edge technology, under a rigorous research process directed and guided by professionals dedicated to caring for people.

Challenges raised

The challenges faced by ORKESTA stem from the integration of the different services and the different technologies provided by the partners. On this integration, the challenges are faced, the adaptation to the environment of the home and of the elderly person, speech technologies, as well as image detection and analysis. Also in adherence to care plans for the elderly and the early identification and management of complications. And the creation of effective user interfaces for the different actors that will make use of data analytics.

Role of Vicomtech and technologies used

Within this context, Vicomtech supports R&D aspects in the following areas:

  • Speech technologies, through the development of an interactive chatbot in Basque and Spanish for the elderly
  • Image analysis technologies, to identify risk behaviors of the person in bed
  • Data analytics technologies in the context of health and big data for the development of algorithms for the identification of anomalies, descriptive and predictive of the behavior of the elderly person at home. And all this, managed through interactive dashboards for socio-health and clinical professionals, as well as informal caregivers.

Key partners

The consortium is constituted by the key agents within this transformation. In summary, the partners collaborate following this scheme. The data and advanced monitoring of the people raised from ALCAD, TESA and INGETEK provide valuable information that is exploited in the EUROHELP infrastructure based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence paradigms to offer innovative proactive and integrated services in the home. All this requires privacy and digital identity to offer personalized and coordinated care thanks to the solutions and research carried out by TEKNEI, and based on and directed by the clinical and socio-health knowledge of the services and solutions provided by CASER, GUREAK and INVIZA.


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Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gipuzkoa,
Paseo Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (Spain)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbao (Spain)

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