eHealth and Clinical Decision Support Systems
eHealth and Wellbeing
We generate technological solutions that interact with people, helping them make decisions

The application of our technology and knowledge allows us to address unresolved problems in hospital and care services in the following areas:
- Clinical decision support smart systems and systems for care management based on artificial intelligence
- Integration of language technologies (dialogue systems, voice-text transcription, analysis of unstructured information) in digital transformation processes
- Big Data solutions for health systems and public health policies
- Decision support systems and systems for patient empowerment in mobility
- Software for the smart capture and processing of mobility information and real-world evidence
- Noteworthy Projects
- Related News

READI Project kicks off to enhance Patient Representativeness and Inclusion in European Clinical Research
Vicomtech participates as a technical partner contributing to the development of a digital platform and patient-centered Artificial Intelligence tools.

Vicomtech exhibits at the Ensanche Building in Bilbao the keys to AI technologies applied to Digital Health and Personalized Medicine
The event took place on June 23th 2022, at the Ensanche Building in Bilbao, and was attended by different companies, Healthcare Institutions and Administrations.

Vicomtech supports with the latest technology the independence and improvement of the quality of life of the elderly
The objective of the SHAPES project (Smart and Health Aging through Supportive systems) aims at creating an integrated IT platform that will bring together digital solutions focused on improving the health, wellbeing and independence of people as they get older.
Looking for support for your next project? Contact us, we are looking forward to helping you.