Home Internal Structure María del Puy Carretero Carrasco María del Puy Carretero Carrasco Senior Researcher Dr. Ingeniera en Informática mcarretero@vicomtech.org Related Publications Doctoral Thesis 2013-06-19 3D Animated Agent for Tutoring Based on WebGL Helen Díez, Sara García, Jairo R. Sánchez, María del Puy Carretero PDF 2012-10-01 Next Generation Multimedia on Mobile Devices Mikel Zorrilla and María del Puy Carretero and Alejandro Ugarte and Juan Felipe Mogollón and David Oyarzun and Igor García PDF 2012-07-11 Improving gestural communication in virtual characters María del Puy Carretero, Aitor Ardanza, Sara García, Helen Díez, David Oyarzun, Nuria Ruiz PDF 2011-10-01 Mobile Technology Consumption: Opportunities and Challenges Mikel Zorrilla and María del Puy Carretero and Alejandro Ugarte and Juan Felipe Mogollón and David Oyarzun and Igor García PDF 2011-04-01 Handbook of Research on Communities of Practice for Organizational Management and Networking: Methodoligies for Competitive Advantage David Oyarzun and Amalia Ortiz and María del Puy Carretero PDF 2010-11-02 Establishing communication channels for Digital Storytelling Applications David Oyarzun and María del Puy Carretero and Andoni Mujika and Aitor Arrieta PDF 1 2 3 4 5 ‧‧‧ 5 18.06.2010 Avatares Multidispositivo para Interacción Multimodal María del Puy Carretero Carrasco