Vicomtech collaborates with Innguma on the development and transfer of technologies based on Deep Learning
The project called “InnVic” aims to improve Innguma’s competitive surveillance system through Artificial Intelligence based on Deep Learning.

With the help of Vicomtech, Innguma grows in the Artificial Intelligence field. The company, a spin-off of the Ideko Technology Center, has grown exponentially in recent years in the field of Technology Surveillance and Competitive Intelligence software, allowing decisions to be made based on information captured automatically and analyzed by the company's experts.
Over time, the product offered by Innguma has evolved, and as a result, it requires advanced technological capabilities for information processing. With the support of Vicomtech and the use of transferred technologies based on Natural Language Processing to its data, Innguma will be able to cover a larger volume of content, automatically classified and adapted to the relevant categories to carry out the work of technology monitoring.
The tools resulting from the project will allow to download the analyst of operational functions and to have the ability to adapt to different domains or needs that arise along the evolution of the product through the technology developed in the project.
Companies such as Petronor Innovación, Kutxabank and Orona are already using the Competitive Intelligence and Technology Surveillance software provided by Innguma, in addition to, for example, the BRTA (Basque Research and Technology Alliance).
The project, still ongoing and expected to be completed in 2024, is funded by the Basque Government, within the framework of the Hazitek programme.