Home Internal Structure Aitor Moreno Guerrero Aitor Moreno Guerrero Senior Researcher Dr. Ingeniero en Informática amoreno@vicomtech.org Related Publications Doctoral Thesis 2019-11-30 Density-Sensitive Implicit Functions Using Sub-Voxel Sampling in Additive Manufacturing Diego Alejandro Montoya Zapata Aitor Moreno Guerrero Juan Camilo Pareja Corcho Jorge Posada Velásquez Óscar Ruiz Metals 2019-07-26 Progressive Ray-casting Volume Rendering with WebGL for Visual Assessment of Air Void Distribution in Quality Control Ander Arbelaiz Aranzasti Aitor Moreno Guerrero Iñigo Barandiaran Martirena Alex García-Alonso 2019-07-08 Sustainable and flexible industrial human machine interfaces to support adaptable applications in the Industry 4.0 paradigm Aitor Ardanza Aitor Moreno Guerrero Álvaro Segura Lasa Mikel de la Cruz Daniel Aguinaga International Journal of Production Research 2019-06-26 Sensitivity Analysis in Shape Optimization using Voxel Density Penalization Diego Alejandro Montoya Zapata Diego A. Acosta Aitor Moreno Guerrero Jorge Posada Velásquez Oscar Ruiz 2018-10-24 Fast Analytic Simulation for Multi-Laser Heating of Sheet Metal in GPU Daniel Mejía Diego Montoya Ander Arbelaiz Aranzasti Aitor Moreno Guerrero Jorge Posada Velásquez Oscar Ruiz Materials (Machining—Recent Advances, Applications and Challenges) 2018-06-01 Hybrid geometry / topology based mesh segmentation for reverse engineering Daniel Mejía Oscar Ruiz Jairo R. Sánchez Tapia Jorge Posada Velásquez Aitor Moreno Guerrero Carlos A. Cadavid Computers & Graphics UK 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ‧‧‧ 14 15.03.2013 Propagación y Extinción de Incendios Forestales y Urbanos para Entornos de Entrenamiento Virtuales Aitor Moreno Guerrero