Home Internal Structure Aitor Moreno Guerrero Aitor Moreno Guerrero Senior Researcher Dr. Ingeniero en Informática amoreno@vicomtech.org Related Publications Doctoral Thesis 2006-10-05 VAR-Trainer: Versatile Construction Machinery Simulator for Security Training Charles Barrera and Richard Sebastián and Gino Brunetti and Thomas Henn and Ana Isabel Esnaola and Aron Pujana and Aitor Moreno and Álvaro Segura 2006-02-26 A Geometric Representation for the Real-Time Simulation of NC Machining Processes Aitor Moreno and Carlos Toro and Iosu Arizkuren and Álvaro Segura and Jorge Posada and Marcelino Novo and Juanjo Falcón and Nieves Alcaín PDF 2006-01-30 A Level-based Geometric Representation for the Real-time Simulation of NC Machining Processes Aitor Moreno and Carlos Toro and Iosu Arizkuren and Álvaro Segura and Jorge Posada and Marcelino Novo and Juanjo Falcón and Nieves Alcaín PDF 2005-01-31 A Flexible and Modular Architecture for Object Space NC-Machining Simulation Aitor Moreno and Carlos Toro and Iosu Arizkuren and Álvaro Segura and Jorge Posada and M. Novo and J. Falcón and N. Alcaín PDF 2004-01-01 Evaluation of NURBS Surfaces: an Overview based on Runtime Efficiency Héctor Sánchez and Aitor Moreno and David Oyarzun and Alex García-Alonso PDF 2003-11-05 NURBS Surfaces: a geometric primitive for cooperative visualization Héctor Sánchez and Aitor Moreno and David Oyarzun and Alex García-Alonso PDF 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15.03.2013 Propagación y Extinción de Incendios Forestales y Urbanos para Entornos de Entrenamiento Virtuales Aitor Moreno Guerrero